GIS Lightning arrester Gas insulated metal enclosed (GIS) surge arresters for GIS switchgear

GIS surge arrester rating is the way of surge arrester selection guide. We are producing surge arrester rating 96kv, 110kV,220kV, and 500kV. We produce GIS type surge arrester by the metal oxide varistor which has excellent non-linear voltage characteristics and steep wave response characteristics. GIS surge arrester protects GIS switchgear sets from overvoltage damage.

There are many surge arrester ratings for 132kv in the power system.  Please contact us for the quotation if you need it. GIS switchgear needs GIS types of surge arrester.




Specifications and Types:


△110kv GIS type Surge arrester

product applications:

GIS GIS  Product Features:

  • superior protective performance,
    advanced technical performance,
    high reliability,
    Easy maintenance and installation,
    Excellent response characteristics to steep waves.

The low residual voltage at steep wave will greatly benefit the protection. Free to contact us for more technical support.

You can refer to surge arrester selection guide here in your work according to surge arrester rating. you can refer it as the “lightning protective level” or as the voltage at the arrester classifying current. If you will compare two surge arresters, the 10kA, 8/20 discharge voltage in this column is the  ratings of surge arrester selection guide, and the lower level is considered better protection.