
10kV Lightning Arrester

10kV Lightning Arrester can be applied to a variety of systems including substation equipment, AC-DC converters, railway power system and power distribution units ranging from 0.25kV to 765kV systems.



What is a Lightning Arrester?

A lightning arrester is a device that is used to protect electrical equipment from overvoltage surges. Electrical surges and lightning strikes can damage electrical equipment, resulting in costly repairs or even system failure. The lightning arrester protects electrical equipment by diverting the surge away from the system, reducing the risk of equipment failure.

10kV Lightning Arrester


10kv surge arrester


Metal Oxide 10kV Lightning Arrester can be applied to a variety of systems including substation equipment, AC-DC converters, railway power system and power distribution units ranging from 0.25kV to 765kV systems. These surge arresters demonstrate excellent protection properties. Metal oxide type surge arresters offer such special features inherent in the gap-less structure, such as a quick response to surge voltage, high energy dissipation capability, safe operation, compactness / lightweight and freedom from pollution.

10kV Lightning Arrester


  • Economical and advantages protection,
  • High bearing capacity and long-term stable operation.
  • Excellent anti-fouling properties for coastal and desert areas, or heavy industrial pollution areas.
  • High mechanical stability, e.g. for seismic areas.
  • Very reliable pressure release performance for applications with special protection requirements.
  • Protect transmission and distribution lines, power stations, transformers, generators, capacitors,traction locomotives, cables and switch-gear.

How to install 10kv surge arrester?

  1.  Switch off the power supply before installing the surge arrester.
  2. Connect the surge arrester to the equipment being protected using an appropriate cable.
  3. Make sure that the surge arrester is properly grounded to ensure effective protection.
  4. Turn on the power supply and monitor the performance of the electrical system.

A corner of workshop:

10kV Lightning Arrester 10kV Lightning Arrester10kV Lightning Arrester